Thursday, January 04, 2007

Paralysed by dependence on IT...

The recent snag in the regional Internet access due to the earthquake in Taiwan, and the resultant gripes in the newspapers by the local bloggers about being crippled, has showed us all one thing - we are becoming too dependent on Information Technology. We become so helpless and paralysed when we lose Internet access or our mobile phones for anything more than 24 hours. And to think that only 2 decades ago, we had neither of the two technologies to survive.

I think, in the name of survival of the species (lest we become slaves to the technologies we created), just for a month and just to let our old-time survival skills kick back in, we should all return to the old ways to doing things, i.e.:
  1. Use the abacus for calculations
  2. Keep company accounts on hand-written ledgers
  3. Learn Morse code and the use of the telegram
  4. Start learning how to write again (instead of using the PC keyboard)!
  5. While we're on the topic of typing, use the mechanical typewriter and carbon paper
  6. Use manual SLR cameras
  7. Revert to good ol' mechanical watches and pendulum clocks
I think I belong to the wrong century...

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